A List of GMAT Test Prep Courses
Offering Guaranteed Results

A List of GMAT Test Prep Courses Offering Guaranteed Results

Achieving a good score on the GMAT might be one of the last major barriers standing between you and your desired business school, either in the U.S. or abroad.
The Internet offers access to online courses that can help you pass the exam with flying colors and get a better chance to be accepted into a top MBA program.

The list below contains GMAT test prep programs that offer a score-based guarantee.
Each listing includes the company’s name and short excerpts from their websites. Please read the provider’s full terms before subscribing to their service.

Reduce risk. Buy with greater confidence.


“7-day money back guarantee if you don’t like the product for any reason”

“50-point Score Increase Guaranteed

If Magoosh GMAT doesn’t improve your score by 50 points, we’ll give you a full refund!”


“60 Point Money Back Guarantee

If you don’t get at least a 60 point improvement on your next GMAT, you get all your money back.”

Varsity Tutors

“Get results. Guaranteed.

We’re proud of our students and the improved scores they’ve achieved.

We believe your student can do the same. That’s why we promise to help them get a better score or we’ll give you your money back.*”

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A Few Words About the GMAT Test

The Graduate Management Admission Test (commonly known as GMAT) is a standardized exam that is required to apply for many U.S.-based and international MBA programs and other masters-level management programs.

The test is developed and conducted by GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council), a nonprofit organization that is the official body that owns and administers the GMAT exam.

The purpose of this computer adaptive test (CAT) is to assess critical thinking and analytical and problem-solving skills in order to predict a candidate’s likelihood for success in graduate management programs, such as an MBA.

The exam includes the following four components: 

  • Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
  • Integrated Reasoning (IR)
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning

The GMAT is widely used and is accepted by thousands of business and management programs worldwide as part of the admissions process.
Academic institutions use the score as a benchmark for comparing candidates from a wide range of backgrounds.

However, GMAT results are just one of the criteria that are taken into account by admissions committees during the student selection process.
Other important application requirements typically include a bachelor’s degree, work experience, resume, personal statement, letters of professional recommendation, proof of English proficiency, and more.

A good GMAT score may indicate strong management aptitude, so scoring high on the test will definitely boost anyone’s chances of getting into their MBA program of choice.

The test is 3.5 hours long, administered in English, and can be taken at test centers all around the world.
The exam’s score range varies from 200 to 800 in 10 point increments, with the maximum score being 800.
The score is valid for 5 years from the day the individual takes the test.

Test takers who wish to prepare for the GMAT in order to improve their chances to get into their desired institution have several options: buying prep books and studying on their own, hiring a one-on-one private tutor, attending local classroom-based GMAT courses in their area, or joining an online prep program.

Studying for the GMAT Online

Naturally, individuals who are well prepared, know what to expect, and feel confident about their abilities perform much better on this exam than those who are not.
Consequently, many students planning on taking the GMAT look for the best prep courses on the market.

In a highly-competitive applicant pool, a comprehensive study program can help you score as high as possible in order to secure your spot at your first-choice business school.

A good course that fits your preferred learning style and your individual schedule is an effective way to help you understand what the actual test looks like and develop the skills and techniques to ace it and meet your target GMAT score goals successfully.

Interactive course providers offer real-time (live) and on-demand video instruction, homework assignments, practice tests, and other educational resources that can help you develop familiarity with the test format and make sure you are able to complete it in the allotted time.

The best digital classes in this market offer advanced elearning technologies.
These innovative technical features create a productive study environment that enhances the overall benefits of online test prep.

How Guaranteed GMAT Score Improvement Works

Some of the services that operate in the online test prep industry offer a guaranteed score increase or other types of specific results.

Each GMAT preparation website has its own terms and conditions regarding how their individual policy works.
However, in general, this type of guarantee often means that you should be able to hit a particular score threshold or increase your overall score by a certain number of points.

If the GMAT prep course does not produce the promised results and as long as you meet all of the other eligibility requirements that were set by the program’s provider, you are entitled to a partial or full tuition refund or, alternatively, to some other form of compensation, benefit, or corrective measure.

In addition to the guaranteed score results, some GMAT study and practice websites offer a general money-back guarantee for a short period of time (a few days or a week, in most cases).

During the specified timeframe, if you are not satisfied with how the course works, you can cancel your membership and ask for a refund.
A free trial may also be available with some services.